last day of 2021

Friday, December 31, 2021
I am spending the last day of 2021 here at Brave Work Cafe, squeezing some me time to have a year-end reflection. December holidays had always been busy but this time, I decided not to get dragged by the Christmas rush. There were a lot of invitations to go out here and there but I had to choose my priorities and decided to spend the last days of the year with my family. Glad I did because I had more time to be home and I was able to serve my family and relatives well. I savored this chance since there’s few days left already and work’s back again on Monday.

There are things I need to put down before I could go on to next year. The following things are what I realized this year and I don’t know how long the list is gonna be, let’s see.

1. Don’t live in luxury. I had encountered this year a genius invention we call ‘gel manicure’. I need to remind myself that I don’t need to get my nails done every month with gel manicure which costs nearly $10 (450-500php). I should not get used to this posh life. There are better things to spend unto.

2. Less social media presence. One thing I’ve been addicted to this year is social media. I kept jumping from one app to another, from FB to Twitter to Instagram. Many times also I’ve deactivated because I can feel I had been too preoccupied by the apps. Maybe the interaction with people online and wanting to be seen is what’s addicting. I need to lessen it.

3. Do not bring work to home. Leave all papers needed to be checked in school. Too much time is already allotted for work, around 8-10hrs everyday, don’t bring work to home. Spend time with friends after work, or offer to make the dinner, or watch some movie at night.

4. Do not be afraid to ask for help. I’m the kind of person who thinks I can do most things on my own and rarely asks for help because I don’t want to burden others. Ahhhh 

5. I easily give up.. or not. But the point is I should not easily give up especially now that I have responsibilities. Students are looking up to me for help, and I need to be reliable and trustworthy. I have lost my perseverance. But I need to get back on it. 

6. Need to buy less. And buy more durable and sustainable things. Need to stop the window shopping on Shopee which would turn out into buying things I don’t really need. There’s too much waste and clutter around us and as an environmentalist, I want to produce minimal waste as possible. 2022 will be the year I would definitely be going minimalist. Reduce! Reuse! And recycle!

7. Super need to get back to my morning devotionals and prayer. I am undergoing a very dry season of my spiritual life and I know this is the reason why I have a little to no motivation sometimes.

8. I will not be in rush anymore! Never again I will be beating the time in our biometric. I want to drive slowly and surely and in peace. I will wake up early to avoid having to rush things. I will plan things ahead to be prepared in unforeseen events and avoid accidents. 

9. Try to initiate and invite others again. This is one of the distinct traits I had before I had gone.. introvert. I was once the initiator of parties and get togethers. Now, I just wait for others to invite me because I think I am fine on my own. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But there’s growth outside my comfort zone, so I should do it once in a while..? Or maybe one in 3 months? 😂

10. Do not talk/chat/call with other people if I’m not actually listening to what they’re saying. I have a talent of multitasking listening and making people feel like I’m listening and they were heard. Sorry. But most of the time, I’m talking but my mind is in another. To more paying attention! 

11. Bad habits should die. Need to stop pinching my nose!!! I shall do my laundry every weekend!! Clean my room everyday and do not leave table cluttered! Do not scratch any mosquito bite! Do not sleep until skin care routine is done!!! Drive slowly! 😂

I think that’s all for now because I need to fetch my relatives from the mall any moment now. I am thankful for this year, for the memories and lessons. This year passed by so fast. Last year I vowed not to meddle with love for a year haha let’s see if I’m ready now or should I wait for a year again 😂

Happy New Year!

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